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Ethical Code

Lavari Jewelers Ethics Code


The Ethics Code applies to employees, customers, and vendors of Lavari Jewelers. The Ethics Code is an integral part of our business is conducted at Lavari Jewelers and every employee is expected to follow the Code and its spirt.


Bribery, of any form, is not tolerated by the Company. Bribery consists of, but is not limited to – cash payments, gifts, benefits, hospitality, expenses, advantages, or promises. Facilitation of payments, defined as payments to receive preferential treatment for something that the payment receiver is otherwise still required to do is considered bribery. Any employee who pays or receives bribes while conducting official Company business will lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 

Child Labor

Lavari Jewelers does not employ minors under the age of 16. Minors ages of 16 and 17 may be employed by Lavari Jewelers as allowed by New York State and other applicable laws. Lavari Jewelers follows all local, state, and federal laws regulating child labor. If the Company were to discover the use of child labor at one of its suppliers or partners immediate corrective action will be taken. 

Collective Bargaining

Lavari Jewelers supports and upholds the elimination of discriminatory practices with respect to employment and occupation and promotes and embraces diversity in all aspects of its business operations. The Company further supports the elimination of all forms of forced, bonded or compulsory labor and the freedom of association and the right to choose a collective bargaining representative, if desired. The Company will also provide a safe and healthy working environment for all its associates.

Forced Labor

Lavari Jewelers does not practice nor benefit from forced labor as defined by national and international law and agreements.  If the Company were to discover the use of forced labor at one of its suppliers or partners immediate corrective action will be taken. 

Human Rights Policy

Lavari Jewelers acknowledges and respects the principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Lavari Jewelers’ s Human Rights Policy reflects the Company’s commitment to conduct its business in a manner consistent with these principles and to protect human rights within the company’s sphere of influence. Lavari Jewelers demonstrates global leadership in responsible workplace practices, and endeavors to conduct its business operations in a manner that is free from complicity in human rights abuses. The Company’s core values and culture embody a commitment to ethical business practices and good corporate citizenship.