Why Is My Nose Ring Sore? How To Tell When Your Nose Ring Is Infected

Why is my nose ring sore? If you’re asking that question, you might have an infected nose piercing. However, you could also just be experiencing normal nose ring soreness! How can you tell when a nose ring is infected? There are some tell-tale signs that can make it easier for you to assess the health of your nose ring. When you know your nose, you can care for your piercings without any unnecessary anxiety!

When you have an infected nose piercing, there are some pretty specific things that will happen to let you know that your body hasn’t been cared for properly. When a nose ring is infected, the body goes through a pretty standard response to a wound not healing correctly that can be identified if you know what to look for! If you want to know why your nose ring sore is, we can teach you how to tell the difference between an infection and a normal healing wound!

An infected nose piercing can be scary, and if you’re reading this there’s a pretty good likelihood that you’re currently freaking out over a piercing yourself. When a nose ring is infected, you don’t have to be that worried–we’ll also tell you how to make everything better if you do happen to have an infected nose ring! That way, the next time you’re asking why a nose ring sore is, you can just take action without having to fret about what could be happening.

Read on to find out all our tips for spotting an infected nose piercing, and how to deal with an infection if you find one!

What Does Normal Healing Look Like?

Is a nose ring sore when it’s healing normally? You Betcha! Getting a nose piercing can hurt, no lie! When you get a piercing, especially your first one, you might be concerned about how to know when a piercing is infected. However, you can rest assured that some pain and soreness is part of the process. When a nose ring is infected, it is a sign of the body not healing right. By contrast, there are signs that let you know your body is healing right!

When your body is healing, the soreness at the site of your wound is the result of your natural response to being hurt. To put it simply, your body is sending resources to that area so it can form a scab over the wound and grow new skin to replace what was lost. An infected nose piercing usually does not close up or scab in the same way, and when a nose ring is infected, you’ll notice more than what you’d get for a normal wound. Is a nose ring sore when it’s infected? Yes. But we’ll get into the differences below!

Basically, just keep in mind that when you don’t have an infected nose piercing, you can still see some mild redness and tenderness in that area. Is a nose ring sore forever? No. Is it sore when it’s just starting to heal? Of course! You might also notice some itching or a light crust around your nose ring, but that’s not the same as when a nose ring is infected! There might even be some whitish pus, but if it’s just a little bit of white pus you’re fine, we promise!

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If Your Nose Ring Isn’t Fresh

Typically, a nose ring can take three to six months to heal completely, so you should definitely give your new body jewelry some time before you conclude you have an infected nose piercing. However, is a nose ring sore after a year? Usually not. One way to tell when a nose ring is infected is when you’ve had it for long enough that you don’t know why it isn’t healing. An unhealable nose piercing probably has the inflammation of an infection keeping it from being healthy.

While a nose ring usually heals within six months, it’s true that there’s a lot of variation. If you’re at the seven-month mark and worry that your nose ring is sore still, you should start to take some precautions, but you don’t have to hit the panic button. When a nose ring is infected, the signs are often very glaring. An infected nose piercing isn’t exactly a comfortable experience, you know! So if your piercing is dragging on too long with its healing process, take some of the steps we recommend, but there’s no need to be unduly alarmed.

One exception here is when a piercing experiences short-term soreness when you had thought your piercing had healed. Instead of an infected nose piercing, it’s more likely that your nose ring is sore because you’re allergic to one of the metals you’re using in your body jewelry. Sometimes if you have an allergy, it can make your piercing just as sensitive as the day you got it–if you experience that, try not to wear that metal anymore!

If You Can’t Take the Pain

A piercing is supposed to hurt a little–after all, you’re putting metal into your body! However, if you have an infected nose piercing you will notice a lot more pain than most piercings. You might need to find out why is your nose ring sore if you have so much pain in your nose that you aren’t able to ignore it. When a nose ring is infected, instead of the pain gradually going away, it just gets worse, so if you’re experiencing that it could be a warning sign.

You might also notice unusual forms of pain if you have an infected nose piercing. It’s not normal for a nose piercing to throb or burn, so you can take those kinds of sensations as a sign for when a nose ring is infected. Is a nose ring being sore anything to freak out about immediately? In a word, no–since your body has to heal after the piercing, there will be pain as your system gets in gear to stop the bleeding and grow new skin. 

So how do you tell the difference between some pain and the level of pain that comes with an infected nose piercing? One sign is if you aren’t able to think of anything else. When a nose ring is infected, you end up feeling worse and worse rather than getting better. Is a nose ring feeling sore a great feeling? No. But you should be able to do work and take your mind off the piercing without feeling like you’re going through torture. 

If It’s Extra Sensitive 

Again, if you experience more pain or sensitivity than you normally would for a wound that’s healing, you might have an infected nose piercing. When a nose ring is infected, you might not even be able to touch it due to the sensitivity. This is because an infection does the opposite of healing; it makes the skin around your nose more inflamed rather than less inflamed. If your nose ring is sore and only getting more sensitive, you might want to take some steps to get it checked out.

Sensitivity in your nose piercing is hard to define, since someone with a low pain tolerance might find a regular nose piercing to be quite painful. However, if you have a low pain tolerance you probably already know that! An infected nose piercing would be more pain than you would normally experience from a healing wound. When a nose ring is infected, you feel a level of pain that is out of the ordinary, whatever ordinary is for you. So, if your nose ring is sore, you’ll probably know something is off.

If There’s Pus or Odors

This is one of the biggest signs of an infected nose piercing! You don’t want to let your piercing go unchecked if there is pus or an odd odor coming from it. When a nose ring is infected, the body produces inflammation that can cause odd smells or pus to come out of the infected wound. If your nose ring is sore and you also have one of the following smells or types of pus, you should definitely take some action.

If you have green pus coming out of your wound, then you probably have an infected nose piercing. When a nose ring is infected, the bacterium in the wound produces chemicals that turn the body’s usual healing pus from a whitish color to a greenish color. Whitish pus, as we said before, is not a problem. It just means that your body’s healing processes are responding, making your nose ring is sore! But if your nose ring is sore more than usual and you have green pus, that’s not normal.

Another issue common to an infected nose piercing are weird odors coming out of the nose piercing or sticking to the nose rings. When a nose ring is infected, there are by-products of the bacteria in the wound secreting chemicals that can smell foul. One exception is actually a cheesy smell that is the product of natural oils from your skin mixing with the skin cells building up around your nose ring. There are many people online who’ve talked about the cheesy smell piercings can get, and while it’s a reason to clean your nose rings it’s not a sign of infection!

If It’s Not Infected, Then What Else Could Be Wrong?

If you’re seeing weird signs around your nose ring but it doesn’t look like you could have an infected nose piercing, let’s look at what else could be happening. For one thing, you might have an allergy to the metal you’re using in your piercing. When a nose ring is infected, the symptoms start and stick around until you do something about it. If your nose ring is sore only when you wear a specific nose ring, that could mean it’s an allergy. 

It’s harder to tell if you’re allergic if this is your first piercing, which is why a doctor, or your piercer is a good resource. However, some common signs are the symptoms going away when you take the nose ring out. You could also have had these symptoms when you wore jewelry of that metal. An infected nose piercing might look similar, but if you’ve ever gotten a rash from non-piercing jewelry your nose ring is sore for another reason. When a nose ring is infected, that’s just the nose ring!

Don’t Stress, Just Observe

Why Is My Nose Ring Sore How To Tell When Your Nose Ring Is Infected (1)

You don’t have to be on red alert every time you get a twinge of pain from your nose ring. If you have an infected nose piercing, you’re going to be able to figure it out sooner or later. When a nose ring is infected, you can tell pretty easily just from checking it out! If your nose ring is sore, you can look at the info in this post and figure out if you should be getting medical attention or not. Then you can go back to looking good in your nose ring 😉